

Objectives and methodology of the training

Aim of this training is to gain insights into the field of volunteering and understand how volunteering has changed over time. As an important part of active citizenship volunteering is closely linked to society. To be effective in volunteering work it is of important to have some basic knowledge of the changes in society and how it impacts upon volunteering.

The main questions of the first part of training unit are: What is volunteering? Why is volunteering   important? Why do people commit themselves voluntarily?

The second part of the training will give more detailed information what the term “voluntary work” is and   its characteristics. By means of practical exercises participants will recognise by themselves whether we need volunteers or not, what is their contribution to the society, what is needed to manage successful volunteering program.

This training will provide exercises, tips, successful stories and role-plays that should help participants to define what is required from volunteers, what they can benefit from, and how they can apply it to their concrete work and contribute to development of their voluntary work.

AGENDA: GYLP  – Volunteering training AGENDA