Confidence Building


The aim of this introductory training is to raise awareness about the participants’ qualities as individuals and as a community, to create space for reflection about their identities, relations to others and to explore possibilities for enhancing mutual trust between diverse communities.

The training will deal with topics such as identity, communication, stereotypes, cooperation, cooperative, trustful attitudes towards others, as well as to be open to new perspectives. It will offer space for individual and group reflection about factors that affect self-perceptions and perceptions of others, and about their influence on mutual understanding and cooperation.

Through activities, discussions, reflections, the training will support empowerment of the participants on the personal and group level, encouraging them to be active in their communities, to be creative in finding solutions while keeping open-minded and inclusive attitude. The participants will also learn skills for dialogue, which is a crucial precondition for building trust in and between the communities, as well as a tool to question one’s assumptions, open to new ideas and increase empathy towards others.

The participants will also learn about concrete examples of building confidence in and between communities, through examples from Slovakia and abroad. They will be offered the space to think creatively about the ways to build bridges between communities in their town, region, country.

Agenda: AGENDA Confidence building Anj