Civic engagement


Description of workshop:

  1. Group dynamics and importance of crisis and conflict in this process

Game: Desert Island

Goal of this game is to allow participants to experience group dynamic.

The game features the lack of detailed rules and structure.

To observe:

To observe and make notes on the behavior and interaction of the participants in the course of the game. Observations related to:

  • taking initiative
  • leadership behavior
  • participant’s behavior during the conflict
  • and other important moments in the game that affect the development of the group

Game evaluation

Summary of the game involves:
– The division of tasks in the group;

  • Difficult emotions accompanying participants;
  • Stages of group process and characteristic behavior of its members in their course;
  • Roles that emerged during the game;
  • The process of discerning leadership;
  • Relations between the participants in the game,
  • Situations of conflict and deadlock, and ways to cope with them;
  • Other mechanisms that have emerged in the game
  1. Motivation of social change: what motivates me?

The main idea: To present the usual spectrum of justification for philanthropic activity from “draining money” to the form of expression of religiosity. Also, young people should be encouraged to use “high” motivation to engage in philanthropic activities. consider it as an investment in your own happiness and the happiness of others.

Motivation is the motivation for action; a dynamic process of the psycho-physiological plan that manages the behavior of a person, determining its direction, organization, activity and stability; the ability of a person to actively meet his needs.

Often our motivation can envy us at a dead end, without giving proper attention to the question “Why do I do this or why?” We risk turning into robots that simply execute teams that were given from the media, from friends, questionable people, and so on. Before you start anything or stop doing it, ask yourself the question “Why”, “Do I need this?”, “What are my motives?” These questions will help me to clearly determine whether I should continue to perform the action or stop. What is the basis of what I do?

  1. How to speak to be heard?

Often it is very difficult for us to believe that a simple person can influence something in his microdistrict, city or even a country. We used to think of ourselves very “modestly.” But this is false modesty. Even a single person can do something, you just have to believe it and start acting. We want to offer some tips that will help you to be an influential person.

1) Know what you want to change and passionately believe in it.

The world is changed by passionate people who believe in their ideas and are willing to pay for them. A vivid example is Martin Luther King, who was ready to stand until the end. And although during his lifetime he did not witness the realization of his dream, yet the time came when his dream became a reality.

If you want to do something significant, then dare not to think like everyone else, dare to go against the crowd, dare to your own opinion, dare to be kind and productive. There are many people who go against the crowd, but their ideas and actions can not be called constructive, rather destructive. If you have a creative idea, if you do not care what happens around, believe in this idea and strive for its implementation!

2) Think over a plan to realize your idea;

Grandiose ideas that were not translated into a specific plan will not come true. One can recall the examples of many activists who were ready to die for their ideas, but only because their ideas were not part of a more general plan, they were never heard.

3) We need to gather like-minded people.

As a rule, for a change in society, it is necessary that from 3% to 6% of people believe in the idea and unite in its implementation. All the others will catch up later. In addition, today we have an endless resource of the Internet and social networks, which makes the dissemination of ideas as quick and convenient as possible.

Moreover, we believe that people who join in one team can do extremely much.

The main idea: To be able to see not only the surface component of the need, but also its cognitive, worldview and value components.The lesson is designed for group activity.

Participants will have a much deeper look at the problems that exist in society today, and not just deeper from different angles and from different perspectives.

  1. The procedure of setting professional goals in a long-term perspective

Exercise is done individually and it is used to plan in a long-term his/her professional development which is related to his/her values. Trainer ask questions one by one and give time to people to answer one after another. Participants write down answers to the following

● What is important for you in your work? What is the main point of reference in the decisions you take? Describe these issues in the form of a few words or short passwords.
● Thinking about what is important to you now imagine yourself in five years. What do you do? What is for you a source of professional satisfaction? Describe it in a few sentences.

  •  Looking at the vision of what you see in front of you what objectives you see to be achieved? Describe them all.
    ●Now chose the most important one of them. Let it be such a objective, that you see as an ambitious and at the same time available for you. Write it down (bigger than others).
    ●What are your success criteria – when you know that it achieved?
    ● Now go back to the present time and from this perspective, take a look at your goal. What stages do you see on the way? Describe them.
    ● Now to each of these stages write down at least two tasks that will have to be done.
    ● Looking at what you have described previously, think about your personal resources (knowledge, skills, experience, etc.) that can be helpful in achieving your objectives? Describe them.
    ● What else do you need to achieve your goal? Describe it and then think about how you can do this.
    ● What is the first step on the way to this goal, which you can make right after you return to work? It may be a small step. Describe it now and when you return do it.
  •  Now look carefully at your notes and think what is the real deadline for achieving the goal. Write it down.
    ●  Finally, sign it .
  1. Study of society and localities. Homework “Reporter”

Each participant receives a separate task, which he will have to perform for the next meeting

AGENDA:GYLP_Civil Engagement_Training II. AGENDA (pdf)