GYLP Training on Civil Engagement coming soon!

GYLP Training on Civil Engagement coming soon!

GaMCon team will conduct firts GYLP training focusing on “civic / citizens participation” in the public arena of Gagauz society on November 25–26.

Training is considered as an introductory training – to provide basic, general set of information for participants about civic / citizens participation. The training helps participants to be more strategic with community based activities. The emphasis throughout will be on engagement with the participants along with some learning by doing, role plays, feedback from peers etc. There will be an opportunity to develop a plan of action for taking these skills back home. It will be to participants benefit to be willing to take risks – try to practice new behaviors in dealing with others, re-examine their own current strengths/weaknesses and be open to feedback.

Training consists of lectures and presentation, case studies and practical role plays.

Working language is Russian.

More information about the training and study materials for participants will be available soon on

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