GYLP – GaMCon Youth Leadership Program

GYLP – GaMCon Youth Leadership Program


We are convinced that a number of potential young leaders exist in the region of Gagauzia who not only have inspiring ideas, but also a will to turn them into reality. It is natural, that these young individuals might face several obstacles or just do not know what steps to do in order to help their community or how to make their voice to be heard.

GaMCon project is a unique platform within which we aim to address all these issues mainly through capacity building of active young leaders who are interested in active citizenship and community building. This is based on our attempt to promote the participation of young people, to provide participants with theoretical knowledge about participation in general, to encourage young people to be more active, to inspire them with very concrete examples of participative activities of young people, and last but not least, to make them ready to tackle wide range of issues that might appear during their activities.

In order to develop these skills and capacities we will provide a learning program, using forms of non formal education – year-round school, workshops and trainings. Using such formats we will provide the future leaders with a deep and complex knowledge about the subject, starting with general information about the topic (year-round school), then rounding this picture more narrowly through a detailed information about the suject (workshops) and coming to a final stage of skill-building and learning process (training).

International and local experts and trainers will improve four core areas and skills – civil and human rights, civil engagement, project writing/management and  confidence building.

Besides these activities, participants of GYLP will have the opportunity to see real community building, volunteer and other grassroots initiatives in almost all regions of Slovakia. They will have the opportunity to talk with Slovak community leaders and bring concrete inspirations to Gagauzia and Republic of Moldova in general. Furthermore, they will have the opportunity to get in touch with EU decision-makers in charge of development aid and support of community-building initiatives during their trip to Brussels. This will also help them better understand the complexity of EU institutions and policy-making processes. All of them will be invited to join the FYLM – Forum of Young Leaders from Moldova. This will be a platform which will gather around 70 leaders from different regions of Republic of Moldova to meet and know each other and to discuss their experience. Also, international participants will share their own experience. Last but not least, we will offer GYLP alumni to turn their innovative ideas on community building into reality through project call from proposals.

GaMCon wants to help you to become responsible and active citizen. Be the change you want to see in others and apply to GaMCon Young Leaders Program!




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